Since its inception Quality Assured Solutions has achieved its initial goals of providing outstanding services to its valued Clients, offering consistent, professional and effective services and maintaining an impressive service rate. Our clients can rely on our efforts to assist them in maintaining their revenue stream.
We integrate with your team giving you the best of an inside hire with all the benefits of an external service provider. We are proven to be beneficial to our Clients in all of our service provisions. We pride ourselves in providing effective, efficient and professional solutions to ensure that we are your outsource providers of choice. Quality Assured Solutions Inc. will be a valuable extension of your company, so you can focus on growth, profitability and success. |
Outsourcing to Barbados is full of benefits
Our professional staff are based in Barbados, the gem of the Caribbean Sea. Barbados is the perfect location to outsource business processes and is well known for its wide range of BPO services, ranging from customer service support to virtual assistant services. There are many benefits to outsourcing contact centre operations to Barbados, including lower labour costs, access to a large pool of skilled and educated workers, and a favourable business environment. In addition, Barbados has a strong infrastructure and telecommunications network, which can support the operation of a high-quality contact centre. Barbados is not only an easy choice, but also the right choice for your outsourcing needs and we can't wait to assist!
Our Values
AccountabilityWe align around a decision and each team member contributes to and are accountable for its success. If something happens to prevent that, we determine the new course and communicate quickly. |
RespectHonoring our word and choosing candor, respect and kindness. Our individual differences strengthen the team. The trust and respect we have for each other, and our customers infuse everything we do. |
ProfessionalismCompany growth comes with professional growth of individuals within the team. QAS staff are encouraged to "level up" their careers. We aim to offer a supportive coaching and training environment and encourage professional development of all staff |
Honesty & IntegrityIntegrity garners trust. As an organization, collectively, it is our most valuable asset. Individually, it is the constant choice to infuse every action with honesty, fairness, and respect for clients and colleagues alike. |
Client-FocusedThe mission is critical! Our customers, clients, colleagues, as well as our daily work are vital to the mission that matters. |
Goal-OrientedTogether we are stronger. We deliver more success through shared goals and mutual support. We understand our colleagues’ and clients’ needs and always exceed expectations. |